“YOU ALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY to take care of our customers!!”
That’s the message I reinforced with the Curry’s team recently during a dialogue about addressing customer issues–which are simply part of the auto service business.
I went on to say…
When faced with a problem, think like this:
Is it good for the Customer? Will this solve the customers problem and make him/her feel good about the solution? Will it solve their problem? This demands you be a GREAT listener to REALLY understand their problem.
Is it good for the Company? Does it benefit the company, both financially and by strengthening our reputation of HONESTY and INTEGRITY by standing behind our product and service?
Is it good for me (the Curry’s team member) personally? Can I live with the decision? What do I believe? Stand in the customer’s shoes. How would you feel if this were YOU? Will you feel good that you contributed to the bottom line for the company by satisfying this customer? This does not mean “giving away” the product or service, but by EDUCATING our customers. In other words, can you live with the outcomes?
Only after you fully understand their problem and answer these 3 questions can you truly deal from the perspective of the truth!
Then think of three solutions to solve your customers problems and give them those three choices–GOOD, BETTER, BEST!
I believe this method of customer problem-solving will work in just about any kind of business, whether retail, product, service or B2B. Try it!