Customer Service at the GRAMMY’s

My wife and I had the once in a lifetime (or hopefully more than once) opportunity to attend the GRAMMY Awards, and it was as special as you’d imagine.

While the people we dealt with for logistics were fantastic, I did want to share one “customer” experience that stood out: The awards people take a pretty tough approach to people bringing in electronic devices. (see picture at right)

Now, I can understand that this is an organization that has to be the most intense advocate for artists rights and against piracy–no problem.

But in this era of social media, mobile, etc., perhaps the GRAMMY’s should view these recording devices as a way for their “customers” to share the experience and spread the excitement. Rather than stand in the way of progress, use it to your advantage!

The punchline is that after all the threats and worries about carrying our smartphones, it turned out everyone had theirs!

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