Just Say Yes!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas this year, and a safe New Year! Here are some more thoughts I have on phone sales. It’s kind of a part two of my 6 Steps to a Phone Sale video. I hope you can take something away from this.

Today is about just saying Yes! We have a problem with our internal marketing. We are pretty good about being on the radio, sending out electronic newsletters, and talking to our customers and communicating with them, but what we aren’t good about is communicating with our employees about what we want. Our business is rapidly growing – we went from 5 stores 3 years ago to opening our 10th location right now. This rapid growth has caused us some growing pains. So one thing I realized looking back at our phone calls with customers is that we really need to start saying yes. I’m spending about $40 for every phone call to make it ring, and every time we fail it costs me an additional $400 of lost revenue, which is what the average service ticket amounts to. So we need to be saying yes more on the phone. What I recently did was call an all hands meeting where we decided that our internal marketing slogan was going to be, “Say Yes to an Hour or Less.” We’ve rolled that out and have been enforcing and reinforcing it because you can’t just say something once – you have to repeat and repeat it to ensure it becomes instilled in the company culture. When we get our people to say yes to our customers, it of course drives more traffic to our business. It’s so simple. It’s important to have an external marketing campaign as well as an internal marketing campaign to make sure that your company culture is being lived every day.

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